Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas to 9-11 First Responders from your Senate

Here are 3 links to segments of The Daily Show.

WARNING: If you are a staunch Republican, clicking these links will very likely destroy your illusions about your elected officials. If it doesn't, we need to talk.

WARNING: This next one will make you cry, unless you are a Republican Senator (by which I mean: you just don't care about the first responders.)

And here is a list of who voted what.

John Cornyn is one of my Senators, and his web page, with contact info and all, is I am sure that, if you follow the same formula, you can find your own

Senators' pages and either congratulate or condemn them, as you see fit.

If you think what the Republicans did was right, very likely silence on your part will convey to them your feelings. If, however, you feel that they were in the wrong,

then the only way that they will know that is if you let them know. Lack of public engagement is why, very often, they feel like they can do what they wish with no consequences.

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